Vacancy: Consultant to revise You & Me Teacher Module


Duration: 20 days (February – March 2018)
Assignment area: Flexible, with several meetings in Jakarta
Level: Individual contract

1. Background information
One of our key components in our mission is to strengthen professionals in empowering young people through education, to make sexual and reproductive choices, respecting the rights of others in supportive societies. Amongst these young people are the children aged 4 to 6, known as the phase of ‘golden age’, a crucial development period to determine the child’s potential in upcoming years. In 2008, Rutgers WPF Indonesia launched a program to empower children aged 4 to 6 through the involvement of teachers and parents: the You & Me program. The program aimed to equip young children with positive self-esteem and social skills regarding reproductive health and sexuality. Through active learning and the teacher’s role as facilitator, children learn about themselves and their environment, respect diversity, gender awareness, and protect themselves from sexual violence. To date, the program keep evolving on local and national level. In Semarang, Surabaya, and Balikpapan, 31 schools with 117 teachers have implement the program. Within nine years, more than 15.000 young children and their parents have gained the benefits from the You & Me program.

Rutgers WPF Indonesia committed to support the sustainability of You & Me program. Therefore in 2016, a review workshop was conducted with participants consisted of master trainers and kindergarten teachers who implemented the program. There were several main inputs to improve the program: align the lesson of You & Me modules with the national curriculum, update the approach and topics in the modules to the current situation and needs, and enrich external information for teachers and parents.

Besides the workshop, Rutgers WPF Indonesia reviewed the You & Me program intensively, and noticed that there were some gaps between several indicators and the lessons that were taught. One of the experts of early childhood education from one of the teacher education university in West Java, advised the usage of an approach that focuses more on gender development instead of the current post-development approach. This current approach sees children as human beings that are not capable to grasp complex concepts, such as gender. While in the newest research it is found that the complex concept of gender has been developing since early childhood. There are also some more technical advice on how to wrap the activities and terminology used in the program to consider more of family diversity, children’s rights and safety.

Rutgers WPF Indonesia is committed to improve and scale up the You & Me program based on the current needs and situation, by collaborating with early education experts and potential partners. This new program will fit the spirit of the age and is tailored to the needs of the children and parents. For the improvement and scaling up of You & Me program, Rutgers WPF Indonesia will encourage collaboration with a teacher education university, as potential partner with experienced resources in early education, to create exquisite modules and a system to train teachers in implementing the program. Other than that, collaborations with other organizations will also be cultivated to create a thorough monitoring and evaluation system. Through that, evidence will be collected and will be used as an indicator on how to improve the program and as evidence for the success of the program to eventually implement it on national level. To explore our options in collaborations, there will be a lunch meeting for potential collaborators.

2. Assignment objectives
The objectives of this assignment are (1) revising the previous You Me teacher module and (2) collaborate with partners from Rutgers WPF Indonesia to develop a new learning toolkit for teachers. The latter will support them in teaching Comprehensive Sexual Education.

3. Output
There will be a (1) module for kindergarten teachers that equips them with the tools and knowledge to educate their students in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. There also will be a (2) program work plan which describes the development and implementation of the program

4. Method
a. (Weight 60%): revising the You & me module for kindergarten teachers. This module should equip teachers with knowledge and skills in educating students about sexual and reproductive health. The module contains;
i. A lesson program which teachers will use to educate the students about sexual and reproductive health and rights
ii. Background information for the teacher to have more knowledge and a better understanding of Comprehensive Sexual Education

b. (Weight 20%): give notes and feedback on the development of the toolkit.
c. (Weight 10%): meeting with potential collaborators
d. (Weight 5%): developing a long term work plan for the You & Me program.
e. (Weight 5%): writing a report on the collaboration with Rutgers WPF Indonesia.

5. Tasks and Output
a. Create a detailed work plan for creating the You & Me module for teachers
b. Draft & finalising of the module, based upon input from SRHR specialist.
c. Collaborate on developing a toolkit
d. Long term work plan for the You & Me program and meeting with potential collaborators
e. Creating a final report that describes the entire process of developing the new module and creating the toolkit from the first meeting until the finalising of the results

a. Generic chapter outline
b. First Draft: proposal of the expert in response of a given frame of reference
c. A new module which consist of two parts:
• Lesson program
• Background information of CSE for the teachers.
d. Feedback and notes on the development of the toolkit for our collaborating partner
e. A detailed report which contains the work plan for the You & Me program until 2020.
f. Report on the overall process of creating the You & Me module and the toolkit

6. Qualifications
a. Has experience in developing educational modules
b. Has great understanding of child protection and sexual and reproductive health and rights
c. Is able to work very well in teams
d. Has great understanding of proper education for children between the age of 4 to 6

7. Quality control team
During the collaboration all meetings and discussions will be held along with the Junior CSE Consultants and partners. The quality control team will contain the Country Representative, SRHR specialist, PMEL officer and Communications officer.

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Yayasan Gemilang Sehat Indonesia (YGSI) merupakan lembaga non-profit atau NGO yang bekerja di Indonesia sejak 1997 untuk isu Hak Kesehatan Seksual dan Reproduksi (HKSR), serta pencegahan Kekerasan Berbasis Gender dan Seksual (KBGS). Kami percaya bahwa seksualitas dan kesehatan reproduksi manusia harus dilihat secara positif tanpa menghakimi dan bebas dari kekerasan.

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